Mission 3
Mission three - Programme planning
Take the section’s programme ideas to a programme planning meeting.
This mission should include:
asking the young people in the section to contribute their ideas to the programme
capturing the ideas and suggestions from the young people and exploring how these could be incorporated into their programme
attending and contributing to a meeting (eg programme planning meeting, leaders’ meeting, District, County/ Region or Area meeting)
To complete this mission, you could:
attend a section planning meeting
plan and run a meeting (eg section planning forum or running activities from the YouShape resources)
decide who should attend a meeting and invite them along
organise and run a forum for the young people in your section, gathering their ideas and suggestions, and feeding these back to the section leader
organise for someone to take notes, minutes or points of action
plan and run the Sixers’ or Patrol Leaders’ forum, ensuring that the young people in the section understand how they can input their ideas into the section programme
any other ideas, subject to agreement with the ESLYL and SL
There's a mission feedback form here if you want to submit any feedback before a unit meeting.