Stage 2b - Developing

Stage 2b – Developing Skills

This Young Leader may be 14 or 15 years old, they are likely to have been in scouts for some time and possess some good scouting skills, as well as blossoming leadership skills. They won’t command respect easily from the young people in the section, especially scouts.

What they should be doing

  • Running skills bases

  • Running group games

  • Working with whole section or smaller groups

  • Passing on skills to lodge leaders, sixers or patrol leaders

  • Generating activity ideas

  • Creating full programmes

  • Running section meeting nights (with some help)

How to support

  • Help them to control young people in the section

  • Encourage the section to listen to the Young Leader

  • Don’t take over

  • Lead by example

  • Support your Young Leader to complete Mission 2 (run an activity)

  • Support your Young Leader to complete Mission 3 (take ideas to a planning meeting)

  • Encourage them to attend the Young Leader training sessions

  • Review their completed missions with them, whether they went well or had areas for improvement

Don’t expect

  • This Young Leader to maintain discipline

  • This Young Leader to always be able to run an activity they have created independently