Young Leaders Unit

Forest of Dean 

Welcome to DofE volunteering in scouting and the Forest of Dean Young Leaders


The Forest of Dean Young Leaders Unit provides support to anyone aged 13.5 to 18 who helps with Beavers, Cubs or Scouts in all the Scout Groups throughout the Forest Scout District, this can be through doing DofE with schools or through scouting.

We support young people from outside scouting doing their Duke of Edinburgh's by helping a Beaver, Cub or Scout section, as well as former Scouts, or current Explorers doing DofE or who want to do more with the YL scheme.

Not only do we support those young people from outside (or within scouting) with their volunteering for DofE, but we also run a training scheme to help Young People develop their leadership skills.  In Covid-free times, we run monthly module training sessions through Autumn and Spring terms, and we also work together as Young Leaders.  We have also been running occasional online session during the pandemic.         

In normal years, we regularly enter a YL team in the Autumn Backwoods Challenge and we've started running activity badges for Beavers and Cubs over the District Jamboree on The Air/Internet weekend.

This site explains some of what we do, the Training Modules, the Missions, the Calendar and how to book onto the Modules (even how to find us).

Have a look at "Getting the Most from your Young Leader" and for a Young Leader's explanation of what YLs do, have a look at the video below.

If you have any questions, see the FAQ page or get in contact us at youngleaders (at) forestofdeanscouts (dot) org

Welcome to Young Leaders.

Mark Westwood

Assistant District/County Commissioner (Young Leaders) / Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders)